What right does a person has to do another one wait, i mean, perhaps he should wait for his own good, but who is in charge of deciding it, who does know what it is better for both of 'em
não doi ver outra pessoa feliz, mto menos ao lado de outro....doi a brincadeira....doi o medo....
as risadas fikam sem graça....os comentarios ofensivos....os pensamentos profundos....as musicas lentas.....
we should have some kinda distraction....something that we can afford to feel without knowledge....something in secret....
something like love....
como vc sabe definir sua propria felicidade?
why summer last so long?
why pain is so acceptable?
meu espaço.....meu mundo....eu não quero ninguem nele....ele é meu.....e ninguem tem esse direito...ninguem teve cuidado o suficiente com ele....
disgusts me to fake a smile....but you feel well....so i'll keep it
qual é a dificuldade em machucar as pessoas....mesmo as que não merecem....deveria ser mais facil....
i hate to see you cry.....makes me want to wake up....
why didn't you ever told me to go away?
why couldn't you spare me from all that i've been through....
"Whatever you do, don't tell anyone"
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